Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 1, 2010 ~ It's a start

Stats: Walk 36 min, moderate pace, ran 30 yards
Today was the first day in my training to run the 10k at the Colorado Marathon next year.
"Training" today involved a 36 min walk with my sister from our parents house to Target. My goal is to run, even for just a little bit every walk. Today I ran about 30 yards.
At least I ran, even if it was only for 30 yards.
This may not seem like a big feat, but I am not a runner. Seriously. Something large and life threatening needs to be chasing after me for me to want to run.
So why are you running a 10k Jen?
My first reason is I need a goal. I do well when I have a goal like when I did the triathlon. The main reason though is to get back to a healthy me. Not a skinny, hard to maintain me, but a healthy me.
I am probably at least 50 pounds overweight (OMG ~ it's hard to verbalize that) and not happy with myself.
I need to do this first and foremost for myself. A huge motivation for me is to do this for my family. A healthier me is a happier me. Not only will I be showing my girls an example of what you can accomplish when you work hard, but I will be able to be a better wife and mom.
Plus, I'll be super hot in my new skinny clothes!